GC > NAD > SWUC > TXSC Spring Crosswalk SDA Church OMEntityID: 143134   OrgMastID: ANWF4E
Spring Crosswalk Seventh-day Adventist Church
Street Address: 
Photo Needed

Additional Information:
Schedule: Cafe: 9:30 Bible Study: 10:15 Worship: 11:20 Previous Name: Lovewell The Woodlands Mission Group

The Way Church
24418 Interstate 45
Spring TX 77386-1939
Mail:  PO Box 602
Conroe TX 77305-0602
Members 50
Phone:  877-276-7764
Website:  http://crosswalkvillage.com/northhouston
Maps:  Google  (Español)  (Português)  (Français)  (Lat/Lon)  -  Bing
Lat/Lon:  Latitude: 30.117875, Longitude: -95.439432 , Source: Address
Services: Sabbath School: 10:30 am
Church: 11:00 am
Prayer Meeting: Wed. 7:00 pm
Language:  English
Sunset:  7:28 PM   TimeZone: UTC-6
Conference:  Texas Conference (website)
Union:  Southwestern Union Conference (website)
Division:  North American Division (website)
Type:  Company (CCO)
Updated:  Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Source:  eAdventist
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