GC > NAD > PAUC > SECC Loma Linda Chinese SDA Church OMEntityID: 18903   OrgMastID: ANPMIQ
Loma Linda Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church
Street Address: 
25665 Van Leuven St
Loma Linda CA 92354-2438
Mail:  PO Box 1789
Loma Linda CA 92354-0529
Members 321
Pastor Akira Chang
Asst/Assoc:  Jonathan Duck-Him Young (Pastor - Associate)
Phone:  909-478-3939
Fax:  909-478-3939
Website:  http://llc.adventistfaith.org
Maps:  Google  (Español)  (Português)  (Français)  (Lat/Lon)  -  Bing
Lat/Lon:  Latitude: 34.055260, Longitude: -117.244467 , Source: Address
Services: Sabbath School: 9.30am to 10.50am
Church: 11:00 am to 12:15 pm
Language:  Chinese
Sunset:  5:18 PM   TimeZone: UTC-8
Conference:  Southeastern California Conference (website)
Union:  Pacific Union Conference (website)
Division:  North American Division (website)
Type:  Church (CCH)
Updated:  Thursday, September 7, 2023
Source:  eAdventist
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