GC > IAD > SOCO > NWBO Villa de Leyva/emanuel* Bocc * Nwbo OMEntityID: 963598   OrgMastID: AGUNVIL
Villa de Leyva/emanuel* Bocc * Nwbo
Carrera 10 N° 7A-11
Villa de Leyva
Members 112
Maps:  Google  (Español)  (Português)  (Français)  (Lat/Lon)  -  Bing
Lat/Lon:  Latitude: 5.636499, Longitude: -73.527061 , Source: Address
Language:  Spanish
Conference:  Northwestern Bogota and Boyaca Mission (website)
Union:  South Colombian Union Conference (website)
Division:  Inter-American Division (website)
Type:  Church (CCH)
Source:  ACMS
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